
Your boundaries are not yours so you can control others. Your boundaries are yours to protect you. If someone else chooses to ignore your boundaries, and you have communicated how you feel about them being crossed, it is not your job to drill them into their head. It is your job to sit back and…


When they throw the first punch- God is saying to you today: “Whatever they plot against the LORD, He will bring to an end. Trouble will not come a second time. I will take revenge, I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their…

New Years Eve, Eve!

It’s been a really tough year. Honestly – it’s been a really tough 2 years. I notice this seems to be how everyone feels. Like this last year had one goal and that goal was to take every single one of us OUT! But here we are. About to start a whole new year and…

Today is Tuesday!

Which for you that may just mean it’s Tuesday. For me, it’s my weekly break down day. A day that I have to get all the things done. And be reminded of all the challenges I carry on my shoulders. A day where I cry because I don’t understand what God is doing. Or why…


Endurance is more than physical, it’s spiritual too! Sometimes we get so busy, we go through something painful. We feel stuck in situations. We need God RIGHT THIS SECOND to move on our behalf and He does not move right then. Sometimes we don’t understand why we are dealing with an unfair situation, or why…

Trust In Not Required

Jesus said “Love Everybody” -but- He did not say “Trust everybody”. “But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew all about people.” John‬ ‭2:24‬ ‭NLT‬‬ “Trusting someone is our choice – them proving us wrong is theirs.” ~ Unknown ~ Lies leave us with more than feelings of betrayal and heartbreak. It leaves us wondering…

Do it for you!

Hey you! Yes you! To everyone who is almost into March and feeling like quitting whatever it is! The gym, you haven’t opened your Bible all week, didn’t make your sales goals. This is to everyone who is tired of the new Marcos, the reduced sugar. This is to everyone who is feeling defeated by…

Don’t Settle

Once you know your worth, you’ll be embarrassed by the stuff you once settled for! What are your goals, dreams, aspirations? Are you leaning into the Lord to let Him lead you? Follow His guidance and He will keep you from settling for less than you deserve! These last few years He has saved me…