Endurance is more than physical, it’s spiritual too! Sometimes we get so busy, we go through something painful. We feel stuck in situations. We need God RIGHT THIS SECOND to move on our behalf and He does not move right then. Sometimes we don’t understand why we are dealing with an unfair situation, or why…

Do it for you!

Hey you! Yes you! To everyone who is almost into March and feeling like quitting whatever it is! The gym, you haven’t opened your Bible all week, didn’t make your sales goals. This is to everyone who is tired of the new Marcos, the reduced sugar. This is to everyone who is feeling defeated by…

Mental Health Matters

Are you taking care of yourself? There is more to taking care of yourself than fitness, or eating right. How are your thoughts toward yourself? Are you taking care of your mental and spiritual health as well? I like to be goofy, make people laugh, have a good time, and if I fall quiet or…

Let The Chickens Talk

Word of wisdom for my babies!! If you feel the need to prove to others who you really are, you have already discredited yourself. Let people talk, let people say whatever they are going to say, let people do whatever they are going to do! Maturity is knowing who you are and not letting their…

No longer running

I am someone who is passionate about growth. I strive to always be growing, challenge myself and be better next year, than who I am today. – BUT – I get it, growth is painful. And it has been a tough couple of years for growth for me. It’s been like – tough tough tough…


Tomorrow starts a brand new week, full of awesome opportunity! Growth is painful, but that’s just the preparation for your transformation. You’re about to emerge from that dark, lonely and sad cocoon and soar to a brand new level! Let God work in your life in those difficult places. He wants to show up and…

Stale Chicken Nuggets

Hey there girl! This ones for the guys too! You were not born to settle for less than the very best! Don’t settle for a stale chicken nugget when God has got an entire live Eagle for you. Many times people are looking for someone to complete them. They think things like: “Suddenly I will…

Know Your Worth

Monday reminder! Someone needs this today. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck – it’s a duck! No mater how much that duck dresses up like an Eagle! If you sat your worth down, or maybe you didn’t sit it down you were just enduring something that shook you up for a…