Word of wisdom for my babies!!

If you feel the need to prove to others who you really are, you have already discredited yourself.

Let people talk, let people say whatever they are going to say, let people do whatever they are going to do! Maturity is knowing who you are and not letting their immaturity dampen your vision and goals. If standing up for yourself causes others to walk away, or feel the need to try and make you look bad, they were not people you want in your life anyways!

1/3 of people will love you no mater what you do.
1/3 of people will dislike you no mater what you do.
1/3 of people will be persuaded either way!

Focus on the 1/3 who truly know who you are and keep moving forward with your life. God will bring you new people who are in your corner to replace those who tried to run you down.

The truth eventually comes out, and God will vindicate, validate and shine a light of favor on who you really are. Cream always rises to the top! Keep working hard and let God take care of the rest. Anyone who believes the lies are not people you want in your life anyways.

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