Jesus, Leadership & Curls

🔹What is the difference between Leadership and Influencers? 🔹How do you develop your leadership so you can influence with more success? 🔹Why being perfect is not as important as being real. What to know?!? Here’s the scoop:  In these 2 Instagram live videos, I am discussing Jesus, Leadership & how it relates to the curly…

Easier Said Than Done

Often times people will say that this is easier said than done, but the relief that follows is so worth it! What are you holding onto today, that you should release back to Him? He cares so much for you, that He wants to be the one to take on your burdens, pains, heartaches. Let…

God is Love

God is Love. You are loved. He loves you because He is good, not because you are good. No thing can separate you from His love. Make it a goal to spread love to others daily, not just today. 1 Thessalonians 3:12