New Year, New Difference

New Year, New Difference

Last year I started the “Make A Difference” not resolutions task for myself. I no longer make New Year’s resolutions. I make a difference. I promised to let you all know how I did. I set out to do 1 thing every week that made a difference somewhere and for someone. That would be 52…

How much do we love Chatbooks

How much do we love Chatbooks? I am always finding them all over the house. My kids are always looking at them. When we get a new one, it is like I gave them a present. Chatbooks is simple, affordable and I couldn’t imagine using anyone else. I have made several custom books. Both of these…

Be the Example

A leader is someone who knows the way, goes the way, and SHOWS THE WAY. ~ John C. Maxwell ~ Anyone can be a boss, make demands and belittle. Anyone can point and tell, and even point blame when things go wrong. That’s the easy thing to do. But a leader will set the example.…

Find the Wins

There is a difference between a child who is in trouble – And – A child who is troubled Both have ways of showing themselves in negative behavior. One will be easily corrected with consistent time outs and consequences. The other will not usually benefit from timeouts and consequences, but rather wins and confidence boosting.…