Your boundaries are not yours so you can control others. Your boundaries are yours to protect you. If someone else chooses to ignore your boundaries, and you have communicated how you feel about them being crossed, it is not your job to drill them into their head. It is your job to sit back and watch how they choose to behave. If they respect you, they will respect the boundary. If they don’t, they will ignore it, bring it up constantly like you are a problem for setting it, complain about the boundary, or straight up break it again.

At this point you can choose to ignore your own boundary and keep bringing it up, getting all emotional about their lack of respect. Stressing. Not sleeping at night.
You get to remove yourself from the equation. They chose to lose you. You did not want that, which is why you communicated it with them. But they chose to lose you by violating you, and disrespecting you.

Don’t worry about what they say about you. The one who maintains a boundary will often times develop several enemies along the way to their destination, not because you did anything wrong – but – because you followed through. Your strength to protect yourself is envied by those who are weaker and less respectful. Envy breeds strife and conflict. The boundary breaker will never tell others they were the one to be disrespectful. Respect yourself enough to walk away, and be darn proud of yourself for keeping your peace! 🙌🏼

Don’t drop your boundaries to appease others, or you will find that you have lost YOU! 🫶🏼 Know your worth!

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