f you feel like putting out the white flag, don’t do it! Listen to this song. I totally get it. I really do. My heart has been broken so deeply this year, more than once. This year has not been awesome, for most people. I have been so defeated some days that I could barely…
•Ask yourself• •What gain does LaCota get by making these posts? •What gain does she get if you wake up? •What gain does she get if you read this and you awaken, find the truth, and find yourself standing in the light?? I will answer these questions further down. I hope it caught your attention. Keep…
American Conservatives
America, please wake up! Us conservatives are not against you. We are not fighting YOU. We are fighting FOR YOU! I always wondered how people were so easily convinced to “drink the ‘Kool-aid’ ” But then CoVid came. And I understood other people’s fear and even gave grace for it, for about 2-3 weeks. Then…
Keep Standing
Hey there Christian Singles… this ones for you! Advice for my teens (and myself . Because let’s face it with honesty & vulnerability, I need this reminder too!!) ••• Keep Standing! You’re the fruit at the tallest part of the healthiest tree. But the weights & storms of life have tried to get you to…
Healing For America
The Lord spoke to me the other day and showed me how we have been missing it in the area of healing for America in 2020. We keep praying for healing. We keep seeking healing. We keep our faith high for healing. We are eagerly awaiting healing and the move of God. We are binding…
Jesus said so…
Sometimes we all just need to rest and let it wait until another day. Just today you guys, like a hour ago, I had to unload a ton of sopping wet clothes from the washer because I was trying to cut corners and ended up overloaded the machine. I had sat around reading scripture for…
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready!
America – did you know we parallel with the Bible? Because, God knew we would do it again. God gave us America because we love Him. So naturally, we can find ourselves in the Bible. History repeats itself. Every generation weakens until they go through what our ancestors went through, and then we wake up…
Afternoon thoughts
he same evil that hovered and spoke to Hitler, Stalin, etc.. is still here. It didn’t die with Hitler. We as humans think that when evil men die it is gone forever. But that is false. For Satan is the king of this earth until the end of it. And we are not fighting against…
Because of masks
They will convince you that for the greater good you need the micro chip so when your home gets broke into, the street cams can identify the person who broke in. They will convince you that for the greater good you need the micro chip so those who steal from stores can be identified by…
Can You Hear Him?
God was speaking to Jeremiah here in these scriptures. But do we hear Him speaking it to us as a nation today? This wasn’t given just to Judah. It’s given for us today too!!!! I hear us as a nation saying, “I want us to go back good ol’ America.” “Make America Great Again!” I…