My school bus turned over to 2,222 miles on Tuesday. During pre-trip inspections on Wednesday, I was able to take this photo.
I never in a million years saw myself driving a school bus, but I absolutely love it.
I’m not sure what God is leading me to, but I’m thankful for this fun experience and great opportunity to meet many new people.
It’s my first J.O.B. in a decade, as I’m naturally an entrepreneur at heart, and I had to really convince myself to take this leap of faith. I really negotiated with God on what I thought I was hearing Him say. I am not a morning person. Waking up before 7 am is the last thing on my mind. I even reminded God of this. I argued back and forth daily. And finally, I said, “Ok”! And I jumped. What potentially looked like a huge step back on my career path, has actually turned into one of the most amazing opportunities I have stepped into.
I love kids, I love inspiring and encouraging kids, my own kiddos ride my bus, and I get paid to take my kids to school. I have met many great parents, students, teachers, and coworkers.
One thing that also makes this great, is this opportunity gets me out of the house every day, in front of many people who want or may need encouragement, positivity, love, and inspiration. I get to be the first smile that the kids who ride my bus see in the morning as they start their school day, and I get to be the last smile they see as they end their school day and get off my bus.
How could I pass this up?
Why didn’t I start sooner?
Seriously, I love this journey that I am on right now, and I have an awesome group of kids on my bus.
Inspiring children to great things is one of my passions, and driving a school bus puts me right in the front seat (pun intended) for sending these kids to school in a little more of a positive direction each day. Science says a smile makes a huge difference in someone else’s life, and I get to be that smile every day.
Who would have known that I would find a passion and a gift both on a school bus……🤔