I stopped trusting medical science when:
Warning: this may ruffle some feathers.
This is a personal testimony. Not an attack. An offense to this will be between you and God. Not me and you.  ️I love you. ️I just want you to know my story. This is just one story. I have children who also have testimonies.

I stopped trusting medical science, when it almost killed me and forced me to self-question it and forced me to start researching.

I stopped trusting medical science (medical doctors, pharmaceuticals etc) when I became so ill for years I could barely function. I was in adrenal gland failure. I was borderline Addison’s Disease.
I went from running 3miles daily to not being able to stay awake EVERY SINGLE DAY and it was a struggle to even brush my teeth. I would hold going pee until I almost peed my pants because walking 5 feet to the bathroom felt like I had ran 10 miles with no training. As a lover of running, 5k’s was my best way to explain this.

My body felt like it had a chronic flu daily – CONTINUALLY FOR MULTIPLE YEARS.
I went to multiple doctors.
•One told me it was in my head.
•One told me I had to start working out and I’d get better.
•One told me they couldn’t find anything so if I didn’t get better to come back in a few weeks!
•One told me I had fibermyalgia and prescribed ANTI-SEIZURE meds. Not just one type. TWO TYPES.
•I thought maybe my heart was failing. I went back to my Pediatritian. I was 24 years old, a mom with 2 kids (this was pre Evy). This was embarrassing.
—> I had heart issues as a kid. I figured it resurfaced.
•He also told me it was possibly all in my head.
I gave up! I sobbed. I felt like Zombies on movies had more life in them than I did. My body was extremely wore out. I was only 24 and a business owner. I remember unlocking the doors to my store and crying because I was too tired to function. I didn’t have time to be tired. I needed help!

Lots of prayer and time later, a friend told me about a doctor who focuses on natural health here in ND and I decided to try! And with his help I FINALLY began healing. I could maintain, but never fully overcame my adrenal issues.

And then 8 years later, an evangelist prayed over me at a church event on Jan (22nd or 23rd) 2017, at Break Forth Bible Church, and I was slain in the spirit. I RECEIVED MY HEALING!
And have been completely healed ever since. This is an event that FOREVER changed my life! In more ways than just this moment. I want to add. I was new to this church and knew only 1 person. I didn’t know anyone else. Healing like this was all brand new for me.

I stopped trusting medical science, because they follow the same science that was killing me.
Doctors are not even taught to treat Adrenal gland issues UNTIL THEY FAIL. Because treatment is only done by LARGE doses of vitamins and rest. There is no money in that for Big Pharma.
However, Addison’s disease, which I was about to be diagnosed with, is treated with steroids FOR LIFE. While the patient slowly dies of slow and progressive internal organ failure from steroids and a lack of adrenal gland function. Which I had began experiencing with a few organs already that were shutting down (digestive system, my heart, bladder, etc…) My numbers were on the tipping point on tests, but because it wasn’t Addison’s Disease, they said nothing was wrong with me.

I stopped trusting medical science when I had to switch my entire house to chemical free cleaners, hand soaps,  air fresheners, and medications because those chemicals were weighing my system down and my adrenal glands and kidneys couldn’t keep up. I thank God for companies like Norwex, It Works, Young Living, Dottera, Nzymes, etc…

I stop trusting medical science when my medicine cabinet became essential oils, Herbal teas, and natural ways to boost the immune system and build up the body. Because I did not have any other choice!

I stopped trusting medical science when I asked about side effects to vaccines I had read in the manufacturers inserts (the ones that come in the 2-100 pages) and found things they didn’t even know about. “I skimmed it” and “No I never read that” were always their responses.

I stopped trusting medical science when I learned that in the book of Revelations 9:21 (sorcery) translates to Pharmakia = Pharmacuticals/drugs/medications and learned that GOD – my God – said NOT TO TRUST THEM!

I stopped following the agenda 15 years ago when following it almost killed me.
For me, a doctor who follows true science, and not what was fed to them in school, is a doctor who recognizes the Biblical principles of healing. Natural, Herbal, Safe, Digestible.

These doctors exist. They are the scientist/doctors who woke up! They are called: Chiropractors, Herbologosts, Homeopathic, Masseuses, Holistic, Naturopathic (to name a few)

Thank you Jesus for my awakening!
Wake up America! It’s not too late.


One last thing. DOCTORS AND MEDICAL SCIENCE is absolutely not the enemy. They are needed. They have helped. Sometimes people need a doctor.  We have a flesh and it needs healing with medical science at times. This is not an ANTI-Medial science post. However, medical science has been idolized and it needs to take its rightful place back at the end and needs to be used as a tool in addition to; God, Prayer, and natural. Medical science should not be used first, unless it’s for saving a life in emergency. And even then, prayer should come first. And medical science should be a temporary tool, not a permanent solution. We have gotten this backwards.

•••••••••Bible Reference••••••••••••••
Sorcery = Pharmacuticals/Drugs/Medications

I discovered in Revelations that when Paul was warning us to avoid sorcery in the end days, he was warning us of pharmaceuticals. The word sorceries translates to Pharmakeia (G5331 for those who research the Greek) and that word in English is Pharmaceuticals or also read as “drugs” in the NU and M texts…


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