f you feel like putting out the white flag, don’t do it!
Listen to this song. 

I totally get it. I really do. My heart has been broken so deeply this year, more than once. This year has not been awesome, for most people.
I have been so defeated some days that I could barely get out of bed. So I TOTALLY GET IT! I type this with current heart ache in my chest. I am so sick of crying. I feel like all I do is cry. And I am not a cryer. It takes a lot to make me cry. But 2019 & 2020 have been years-of-tears for me.
So how do I do confidently get back up?
Praise & Worship!!
This song has been on repeat all night. -While I was at the gym.
-While I lay in bed right now.
When we worship, pain, heartache, depression, anxiety – they all have to leave. Healing can come. Why? How? Because God inhabits the praise of His children.
So, go to this song and sing that hallelujah chorus with passion. Do it out loud. Do it a few times. Repeat, rewind, sing it without the music. And watch God move. This song is anointed.
*photo Credit* thenounproject.com By Olena Panasovska, UA
*Photo credit* Amazon Music & Citizen Way “Love Is A Lion” album