On my way to work this afternoon I saw the light reflecting off of the train tanker cars. The same ones that generally say “CoVid-19” on the sides of them. They have yellow reflectors on the sides and as the light was hitting each one it reflected into a cross. Immediately I saw a vision of Jesus cleaning up America. And that He will be priority all over America once again. He will be aloud in school, work, everywhere in our nation. Complete renewal and restoration. There would still be those who choose to deny Him, but there was a huge peace as he showed me that instead of lower% of the nation choosing Him first, it would be swung back around and the majority of people would choose Him. Jesus will be “cool” again and people will put Him as a priority in their lives. The magnitude of judgement that has been on Christians, will now be turned to the wicked, and people will WANT to follow Jesus in their lives. He showed me how He is cleaning up the wicked and corrupt large cooperations and governments, as well as us as individuals. How He is washing America of all the evil. American will be clean again. For Him and His glory. He showed me that we are not to grow weary, He is just getting started.
People are going to hunger for Him.
I have heard others prophesy on this. Such as from Hank Kunnerman, but this one was my very own illumination that was oh so sweet to see with my own eyes.
I was asked to share it with you, and in true Godly fashion, He gave me a scripture. And in true LaCota fashion I saw it and came forward to read it with a little “spicy” curiosity.
If you follow my blog posts you have seen me refer back to Revelations chapter 9 many MANY times this year. God keeps taking me back to this chapter and revealing more to me.
Today, after this vision I began reading my Bible in a preplanned, follow-along, devotional that has organized the Bible into daily reading for a goal of finishing reading the full Bible, in any translation, within a year. Today is day 355 in the reading plan. Unknown to me until I open the plan, Revelation chapter 9 is on the agenda.
Coincidence – absolutely not, God makes no mistakes. God is timely.
And honesty, I sort of sighed a smidge, because I responded to God with a semi-humble, yet hesitant curiosity, “Revelations 9 again!?! How much more can I speak on vaccines. I think people are tuning off to this. But show me Lord! Show me what you want me to see”
And BAM! He showed me something I feel lead to point out here. He wants you to see it too.
Revelation 9:17-21 NLT
Pay attention to especially verse 17.
•• scroll down and read it and then come back ••
The 3 main political parties in America are
•Republican = Red
•Democrat = Dark Blue
•Libertarian = Yellow – Gold
Now read verse 17-21 and come back to here…
Now reflect and think on the corruption we are seeing everywhere.
Words are killing people. Not the actual sound of words, but people believing the covid lies, the people believing the vaccine lies.
•The people trusting media over God’s prophets and their prophesies.
•The people trusting democracy over Gospel.
•The people trusting man over God.
1/3 of you are dying because you are listening to the smoke, fire and sulfer coming from the mouths of the horses!
Reflection: The biblical word in greek for “Sorceries/witchcraft” = Pharmaceuticals (Greek 5331)
Repent! Turn back to God. Jesus is about to be cool again. Don’t wait until the end. Do it now! Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior.
He is about to restore our land, and how much sweeter it will be to be on the side with Him before He does it.
The delay of seeing these moments are not coming from Him.
Raise your hands and send up a praise – let your voices ROAR!
(Vrs 17) “And in my vision, I saw the horses and the riders sitting on them. The riders wore armor that was fiery red and dark blue and yellow. The horses had heads like lions, and fire and smoke and burning sulfur billowed from their mouths.”
(18-21) “One-third of all the people on earth were killed by these three plagues—by the fire and smoke and burning sulfur that came from the mouths of the horses. Their power was in their mouths and in their tails. For their tails had heads like snakes, with the power to injure people. But the people who did not die in these plagues still refused to repent of their evil deeds and turn to God. They continued to worship demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood—idols that can neither see nor hear nor walk! And they did not repent of their murders or their witchcraft or their sexual immorality or their thefts.”
~ Revelations 9:17-21 NLT ~
2 Chronicals 20:20