Today I learned something about the story of Moses and hitting the rock to get water to flow from it.
The first time he was commanded to strike the rock for the water to come out.
The second time he was commanded to speak to the rock to bring forth water.
These symbolize the old covenant and new covenant.
In the old covenant, prior to Jesus, people had to work for salvation, forgiveness of sins and to try and stay in good standing with God. It was all works based to bring forth blessings (hitting the rock).
In the new covenant Jesus fulfilled the need for works and gave us complete salvation. We are commanded to speak to bring forth our blessings (speaking to the rock)
When Moses hit the rock the 2nd time around, his disobedience caused the loss of being able to go into the promised land. Similarly to how we walk in disobedience when we believe that our actions will make us right with God. We miss our blessings when we run around trying to earn them ourselves.
However, if we speak God’s Word over our lives, we can walk in our blessings.
Jesus was the rock in which the living water flows.
This is why I love the Old Testament. It is a mirror of the New Testament and always points back to Jesus and what He would soon be doing for us.
I never saw this correlation in this story before today.
We need to speak to our mountains.
We need to call in our blessings.
We need to confess the Word over ourselves.
We need to be using our Words for His kingdom to manifest here on Earth.
~ Exodus 17 ~
~ Numbers 20 ~