The other day while drinking my coffee I was inspired to take this picture.

As a school bus driver, I do more than just drive kids. I am limited and don’t do much above driving them, but when issues arise, I coach them.

🔹When they do something awesome, I celebrate them.

🔹When they get a new hair cut/style, I compliment them.

🔹They are always welcomed with a, “Hello” and depart with a, “Have a great day/night”.

🔹I make it a point to learn every single first name.

🔹They are met with a new inspirational quote regularly, right inside the door, instead of a list of rules.

🔹I study and watch them. I learn their personalities. I know who can’t sit still because it’s a challenge and who chooses not to sit still. I know who the kids in trouble are, and who the troubled kids are. (There is a difference)

🔹I know who my shy kids are, and which ones are confident.

🔹I know I miss things, because I’m watching the road, but I ALWAYS go above and beyond to do my best.

🔹I have to follow all the school rules, but one I added to the list that I constantly enforce, “You don’t have to like each other outside the bus. But while you are on here you will be nice to each other. The world is far to mean as is. This is a safe bus. And I have no tolerance for anything but being nice.”

🔹I know which kids struggle to be on time, and which ones are almost never late. I wait at my stops within reason, accordingly.

So as a bus driver, I do far more than just drive the bus, even though I am limited to doing more.

Why do I tell you this:

You can always find a way to add value to others. To reach out and touch someone’s life. To leave an impact.

For some I will be remembered as the driver who made them sit up front all year because they bullied someone. To others, I will be the hero who removed the bully. Either way, both will value that someone in their lives knew who they were and taught them all how to reside and be in the same small space, safely together.

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