Prophesy stated we will have a revival before the rapture. It is wise for us to recognize the season we are now in. Now is the time to hunker into our faith, repent, live for God, and prepare. We have been redeemed as promised. But we must not fall asleep. The same hunger we had…
When they throw the first punch- God is saying to you today: “Whatever they plot against the LORD, He will bring to an end. Trouble will not come a second time. I will take revenge, I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their…
Merry CHRISTmas
Merry CHRISTmas Thank you Lord for the gift of Your son, Jesus! Today, we will rejoice for our Savior is born! Merry Christmas everyone!
The key to success is following God’s guidance. Follow that inner gut feeling. Faith is knowing that life can be unpredictable, but trusting that it will all work out for good! Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness. It doesn’t always mater where you go in life, it’s who you have…
Hidden Desires Of The Heart
I love working with my nuggets! . Gabe and Evy are really starting to get good form down in different areas. James and Mia are still working on going slow to earn power later. I always wanted to learn kickboxing as a kid. Every cardio workout I ever did at home or class I took at…
“What about that King David you say?”
This ones for everyone! Because let’s be really honest – life brings about curve balls, bumps, twists and crushing moments where we often times feel like life will never get better. Been there? You’re not alone. Did you know that scrawny little shepherd boy who took down Goliath suffered insurmountable amounts of trauma and crushing…
I choose to be Joshua & Caleb! I choose to be Daniel!
I choose to be Paul & Silas!
I choose to be Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego!
I choose to be Noah!
I choose to be Abraham!
I choose to be Phoebe!
I choose to be faithful! I…
Speak life
We are about to step into a season of receiving in a faster pace, the things we speak over our lives and have been speaking. Like a bank account, the things we have been speaking (life/death) have been sitting. And we are about to see a cash out on our words. •If you say you…
We are at war!
YOU ARE RIGHT!! We are in the middle of the world’s largest pandemic… Did that grab your attention? You may want to read this! Do you have a false god!! Are you listening to the false prophets? Wanna know ??? Ruffling feathers seems to be my thing lately. But here’s the deal. Scripture told me…
Spiritual Suicide
I’m somewhere in the “looking stupid” stage. I’m also completely aware of how I look to many people who are not there yet. Conspiracies are only conspiracies when only a few people see it. The whole world is speaking of what God is doing, and what Satan is doing simotaniously. That’s no longer conspiracy, it’s…