First: Why are you talking about hair on your blog?!?

Great question;

because this is not just about hair growth, but personal growth as an individual to grow and become who God created me to be. Even my hair is His design. So, letting it heal, recover and grow is a true test of personal character. Bad hair days take courage and bravery to wear, express, accept and embrace. The transition phase is a true test of endurance for anyone who embraces it. 

So what about your hair then? 

I had NOOOO clue when I decided to stop straightening and coloring my hair, that I would have ringlets. My mom said I had them as a kid. But I also had a season where my hair was straighter as a kid. So I didn’t know what to expect. I assumed I would have waves.

I also couldn’t find these pictures until today and it was driving me nuts. My mom always brushed my hair dry -of course- and it poofed out my hair and broke up my ringlets. (MOM!! Why Though!!!). I am confident now that I am educated more, that the season when my hair was straighter was a result of weight from Parabens, Silicones, Sulfates, Oils and TONS of other things. I also swam outside, almost daily, in the summer as a kid in chlorinated pools. Often times 2x a day. Some days 3x a day if I went back for family swim or night swimming. So I am sure this added to my hair going straight. It was so dry at one point my mom had to use shampoo and conditioner for horses (😱😱) just to brush it. I was only 8-9 years old.  I legit demolished my hair summer after summer for a few years.

I then moved into my teen years where maybe 2 times in 6 years I wore my curly hair and scrunched my hair with gel and did the crunchy cast all day. (Come on now – MOST – of us have been there 😂)

I loved to color my hair. It was something I started when I was 12 or 13. And then I moved into BLEACHING it. I used Sun-In, and I would also use bleach. 100% always with box dyes and bleaches until I was in my mid 20’s when I started going to professionals. I was naturally a dusty blonde as a toddler. And I tried to maintain blonde when I wasn’t experimenting with red. I didn’t even know my hair had darkened as an adult until I was somewhere around 27-29 years old. Hair dye helped my hair remain straighter. So of course I did it regularly… come on now that’s almost a mic drop moment.😂 (Dear hair, I am so sorry!)

I straightened it if it wasn’t in a messy bun. I was one or the other for the rest of my life until 3 months ago (January 2019). I did side braids for a short season as well.

I ALWAYS had a scrunchy or hair tie on my wrist, in my pocket, or in my car, diaper bag, purse and they were always littered throughout the house for the opportunity to put it up. If it was foggy, rainy, humid – I really disliked those days. Those were guaranteed messy bun days. I wasn’t even going to pretend I could keep it straight.

And those buns were not loose. They were tight. Like, cut off circulation, boa constrictor tight.

My hair was so thick. I would often time only get a hair tie wrapped around a ponytail 2x. It was stretched out if I could get 3 twists. 2 was MAX with a messy bun. I own thinning shears and used to also thin my hair out myself. And I LOVED to rock an undercut/shave to thin it out and cut down on dry time. I waited years for that to become popular again and then I jumped on the style trend when it came back.  I was thrilled.

I legit did not like my hair. I went to great lengths to be like all the girls with straight, smooth, shiny hair.

Mine always looked dull, frizzy and poofy.

I would sometimes spend HOURS trying to get it to cooperate. So I went to great lengths to find simple solutions. The messy bun was mine.

And back then, you didn’t want to get me started on if I had succeeded in straightening my hair and then it got wet…


Decades of damage is trying to grow out. Decades!!!

My hair thinned out because of the damage. I had not noticed until I started going curly girl. And now I am working hard to get it thick again. (Smack my head!!)

I am 3 months curly girl and seeing some beautiful ringlets. I think that is why I easily get frustrated on bad wash days. I know it has potential. I know how long I suppressed it. But I want it healthy RIGHT NOW! 

And bad wash days are a reminder to me that I am not there (YET).

I think my Curl has never had full potential. It was brushed and pinned straight as a kid.

What I do know now is that 3a was once my pattern. I am also currently seeing more 3a show up each month. (About 50% of my head now ringlets.) I do have some curl and wave at my roots on wash day. My issue is my roots are lower porosity than my damaged ends and are always dry before I am finishing styling. Legit you guys!! I will be dripping wet and my roots are dry. It takes my roots longer to get wet than the rest of my hair, but not substantially longer. Maybe a minute. Once I start rubbing in the low-poo it starts to take it in. But I need to keep wetting them as well to keep them wet.

So I think my damage and the weight is killing my root possible potential. But I don’t think I am going to big chop it.

I am not brave enough. Every time I had short hair, I straightened it. So I don’t know if I will lose my #haircircles (ringlets), or if it would curl/wave at the roots with the damage gone.

I can’t wait to see what my hair looks like in 9 more months when I reach my 12-month mark. Glory to God, my hair grows fast. I average about 1/2-3/4 inch every month. So the damage will not take forever to grow out. Thank you, Jesus!

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