I see people complaining about church names, the way the pastors/preachers teach. I see people talk about the clothes, the homes, the vehicles church leaders have.

I see people complain about if a pastor is more or a speaker and less of a teacher. I see people complain about how they deliver their messages, or how they are too young or too old. I see people complain about how the church is too big, too small, too new, to old.

People! This is the same exact thing that people did to Jesus! They found fault in every area they could.

All that you’re doing by condemning these people of leadership, their techniques, their clothes, building name, delivery etc.. is working for the enemy. You successfully advanced the kingdom of condemnation and sin with those fleshy judgments.

No two leaders in the church are going to be the same. But just because they named their church something modern and hip, or they deliver the word of God with new lingo and pizzaz does not mean they are not fulfilling the purpose God gave them. Just because it doesn’t match your concrete logic doesn’t mean it is not right.

God is concrete, but he MOLDS people to fill the needs of those whom he is trying to reach.

We need to stop sitting around complaining about the how/who and what and get back on task. So what if their ways are not your ways.

Guess what – your ways are not God’s ways. And God trumps you. And you don’t get to choose who God calls, how they deliver His messages, and what they call their church, or the blessings God gives them.

Stop being hypocrites and get back on the task. If you choose to live with less, don’t judge a pastor who understands the scriptures when it talks about giving us life abundantly and then God delivering abundance to them. That just takes you off of the task.

The task is Saving the souls of man. Leading people to the Lord. Getting them out of the gates of hell and into the gates of Heaven.

If it takes a church being called, “Fluffy, Fluff-Natious” and a Pastor saying, “Yo, you need some peeps” to bring people to the gates of Heaven, then they are doing far more to advance the Kingdom of God than your complaints are ever going to do.

Back off of the complaints, and get back onto the task.

Focus forward.

Save people.

Bring them to the Lord.

And let them attend “Fluffy Fluff-Natious” it that is where God is calling them to go.


*I know of no churches named “Fluffy Fluff-Natious”. I am just giving an example. God cares about the hearts of man.  Jesus was narrow-minded, but he wasn’t SMALL minded.* 

Get out there and save the souls of man and trust the spirit to lead those souls to the places that will feed them and help them grow.

Take a look at Break Forth Bible Church’s events on Livestream

For more info on how to save the souls of man for God’s higher purpose, check out some of these archived services.  I was not hired by BFBC to write this post. BFBC did not write this post and they are not responsible for any consequences of this blog post. This link is just included to supplement and provide further information on how/why we should stay focused on the task of helping people come to the Lord


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