Let’s get off of the uncertain and just “be” for a second. Stop and drop a selfie of what you are doing right now…

My front deck is wet from the awesome rain we had this AM. So I returned to my old favorite.

This whole CoVid thing sure wonkied up so many things. Once school starts, if the kids are homeschooled again, I won’t be able to sneak away here like I used to. So I’m going to soak it up today.

There are so many uncertain things in life lately. And that is added to the already so many uncertain things just being a single mom brings. And toppled on top of the uncertain things that come with just being an adult.
My uncertain things are piled high.
You too?!?!

So here is what I’m going to do today:

I’m not going to feel guilty about ignoring my yard, laundry, garage and my countless to-do list projects.
I am not going to stress about running errands or if I have to search for curriculum.
I’m not going to stress about what this week holds, or if I am missing God anyplace.

I am going to park my butt in this booth for the next several hours, absorbing God’s Word and just enjoy my day.
I’m going to just stop, and “be” for just a moment.

What are you doing today?

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