We are in the middle of the world’s largest pandemic…
Did that grab your attention?
You may want to read this!

Do you have a false god!! Are you listening to the false prophets?
Wanna know ???

Ruffling feathers seems to be my thing lately.
But here’s the deal.
Scripture told me that if I know something from God and I do not share it (when prompted to) and you fall short, or miss it, because I didn’t share it – then I’m in big doodoo!

— However — If I share it, and you choose to do whatever you want with it, you will have the consequences of your decisions (good or bad) and I will not be in big doodoo! (Ezekiel 33:1-9)

Make sense?

So here is what I have been hearing since last night to share with you!!

We are absolutely in the middle of the worlds largest pandemic.

We are in the middle of the largest pandemic of people listening to false prophets and worshiping false gods.

That media – yes – CNN/ABC-FOX etc… are false prophets. They are ministering from the same evil influence as the spirit of Baal!

And they are actually using the same mental warfare we (Americans) have used on other countries to win every war! They are attacking you with words. We are in mental warfare.

In fact 1/3 of the people of earth will be killed by 3 plagues. “Out of the the mouths” (Rev 9:18)
The power comes from their mouths and their tails (rev 9:19)

It will be the MOUTH of lies that people die. FROM WORDS! The plagues, are coming from mouths.
Not a disease.
But by the very mouth that things come from.
How do I know this?
Well for starters the cross references in Danial actual mention the locations of “Media” (Daniel 8:20)
Which is technically a geographical location when it’s being talked about.

OR IS IT! Because God loves parables.
Even if it is geographical (because let’s be real – the haters are gunna have a hay day commenting on how I’m wrong) it still comes back to the fact the Media = “from the mouths” in the Revelations cross reference.
I’m throwing a shot in the dark on that word “Media” – but it is “mouths” in Revelations. So the word media may or may not be credible (yet). And Daniel’s prophesies are unfolding in front of our eyes. Sooooooo… Don’t get hung up there. The point is that the words that the false prophets speak, are going to lead you to death if you listen to them.

So how about the false gods?

This is where it’s maybe going to sting…
Do you rely on that face mask to keep you safe?
God did not command you to cover your face. He commanded those with disease to cover their face. He did not command the healthy to do it. (Leviticus 13: 45-52)
And don’t begin on the “Drs do it” or “no shoes no shirt”. I’m not referring to that stuff. Save yourself the trouble! I don’t step in dog poop with my face! I have many – Many – other counter offers to the false security one liners that people have come up with to justify wearing masks. Just don’t even comment them. I’m trying to save you embarrassment.
So wearing a mask because you believe it is protecting you is providing you with false security that God did not give. And you are worshiping it ABOVE God.
God – GOD – is your protector. And he expects you to trust Him. Not a face mask. He has given you 100’s of scriptures to lean on for protection, health, healing and safety. He did not give you a face mask. The false prophets gave you a face mask.

Being forced to wear one and work is not the topic here. This is for those who actively decide that they must wear the mask or they will get sick. The mask becomes a false God when it is elevated above your trust in God and His Word. When you trust the mask, because the false prophets (media) told you to.

In fact Leviticus 13 has clear and vivid instructions on how to handle infectious diseases, and those who are sick. This is really able to be an entire topic all alone that I am just not going to do in this post. For more info I have already wrote a blog post on this topic here: – go here:

You don’t have to like what I’m saying, and if you don’t I encourage you to go argue it with God. I’m sharing His Word. I’m not making this stuff up!

Sadly, there is yet one more false god!
The CoVid vaccine!
If you are waiting for the safety of life to return after the CoVid vaccine, you have already made the vaccine your false god.
I could do an entire thing on vaccines all by itself. But I have a few blog posts on those too! You should really be following my blogs. GO SUBSCRIBE!

But anyways, revelations 9:21 is very clear about avoiding pharmaceuticals in these last days. The Greek work for Sorceries is actually pharmaceuticals when you dig and research! To save you a TON of time researching that… Just go over here to these blog post and learn more. I already did the heavy weight for you.

So there it is people!
We are warned not to listen to the false prophets. Not to follow after false gods.

If you don’t like what this has to say – get on your knees before God. Don’t try to argue with me. I’m just the messenger. I’ll just delete your hateful, mean or inaccurate comments anyways.


“Once again a message came to me from the Lord: “Son of man, give your people this message: ‘When I bring an army against a country, the people of that land choose one of their own to be a watchman. When the watchman sees the enemy coming, he sounds the alarm to warn the people. Then if those who hear the alarm refuse to take action, it is their own fault if they die. They heard the alarm but ignored it, so the responsibility is theirs. If they had listened to the warning, they could have saved their lives. But if the watchman sees the enemy coming and doesn’t sound the alarm to warn the people, he is responsible for their captivity. They will die in their sins, but I will hold the watchman responsible for their deaths.’ “Now, son of man, I am making you a watchman for the people of Israel. Therefore, listen to what I say and warn them for me. If I announce that some wicked people are sure to die and you fail to tell them to change their ways, then they will die in their sins, and I will hold you responsible for their deaths. But if you warn them to repent and they don’t repent, they will die in their sins, but you will have saved yourself.”
‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭33:1-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

••Additional info••


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