
Wanna know a secret?
I do not have life all figured out.
I just said that out loud, didn’t I ?!?
I do not have “it” all together.
I admit it. What ever “it” is that we are supposed to have together by our 30’s. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Do you know what “it” is? Me neither…
Some days the enemy tries to attack me with anxiety.
Some days I am attacked with the weight of my past, even though I know better because I * do * not * live * there…

I wake up some mornings and have to fight for the positive mindset I choose to have. I have to remind myself that I’m happy, filled with joy, and that it WILL BE a good day.
I wake up some mornings and have to force myself into a positive mindset.

Positivity is not our fleshes natural “nature”.

Some days I have to just plain old fight for it.

But you wanna know the secret…
I Fight for it. I don’t give up.
I remind myself what God’s Word says I am and what I have!
“I have a positive mindset”
“I am filled with Joy”
“I am loved, worthy, enough”
I smile even when I don’t feel like smiling.
I share love and joy even when I don’t feel like being loving or joyful.

On these days, I dig even deeper into the Word. I listen to sermons. I put on worship music. I praise even if it’s through tears. I pray. I seek the lord to find what is going on, remove the issue, or bring light to it, and then work through it and move on, intentionally!

My children and I are healthy. My bills are paid. I get to serve and worship an amazing God!
I have so much to be thankful for.

I remind myself that…
“I am too blessed to be stressed”

I want you to know that YOU GOT THI S! You are not alone. Everyone has days like this. You are not failing. You are NOT a failure. There is no success without failure. Mistakes are stepping stones to where we are going. You will not get to wherever that is, if you don’t get through days like these. The ticket – GET THROUGH – days like these. You are worthy. You are loved. You deserve great things. You can choose joy even if you don’t feel joy.
“Fake it until you make it” is just a worldly way of staying, “Act on your faith”

Get up!
Speak up!
State what you want to be and see!
Go out and smile!
Go out and cheerfully talk!
Do it even when you don’t feel like it.

We don’t have happiness and then feel happy. We go out and act happy and it creates happiness.

I am rooting for you, because I am also just like you…

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