We just scheduled the 3 Peanuts for their Genetic Testing. These tests will help us determine the severity of their exposure in utero, limitations, disabilities, and teach us what we can/can’t expect.

Older Peanut is still falling behind even though he is progressing forward.

It’s hard to explain.

But his 3 younger siblings have passed him in comprehension, vocabulary, language development, social skills and MANY other things that he should have grasped onto by now.

We are starting to see the plateau we were warned about with both boys.

And we are now beginning to become more concerned that we may need specific and specialized help moving them forward.

We are not sure anymore if the boys just can’t learn specific things, don’t want to learn them, or if we are doing something from the wrong angle. It is not as noticeable now because they are young and children their ages are still more immature and they fit in. But when looking at it deeper, we see that there is a standstill in specific areas. After almost 4 years it is starting to become more apparent.

At first, we knew it was a combo of neglect and age.

But their younger sister who has been with us the same amount of time is starting to pass both of them in vocabulary, comprehension, communication among other things.

It is becoming a concern. I have never worked so hard to help 3 little humans get caught up. And I have been so frustrated not being able to help them any further. Nolan and I now need advanced professional help and answers so we can help them.

For baby Peanut we need to know what to expect moving forward. She is still young and time will show us. We do not see the same concerns with her, however, we see different concerns.

Last week it finally sank from my head to my heart what I know, and what we see. I know there are concerns, and that there are special needs. But my heart had to accept that there may be a time/day that the 3 Peanuts may reach their plateau for development and they may stop growing forward the way that society expects. And that I may need to stop trying to fit them into that box. Instead, I may need to put them in a box that works for them instead of against them. Heck, maybe we need to throw the stinking box away!

I have finally accepted that we need to gain a new perspective. Gain a new approach. I have finally accepted that my babies may have special needs that limit them and that was not easy to swallow.

But I will never give up on how God can and will bring them out victorious.

So we are going to do this testing and prep, equip, and strengthen our skills and knowledge.

We already know the diagnosis, but we don’t want them to have permanent labels. And because of this, we avoided these test until now.

However, now we know it is time to move forward in this direction.

And I believe that after we are equipped a little further, God will show us how to bring them through even faster, and these kiddos will have such a powerful testimony.



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