Mental Health Matters

Are you taking care of yourself? There is more to taking care of yourself than fitness, or eating right. How are your thoughts toward yourself? Are you taking care of your mental and spiritual health as well? I like to be goofy, make people laugh, have a good time, and if I fall quiet or…


The key to success is following God’s guidance. Follow that inner gut feeling. Faith is knowing that life can be unpredictable, but trusting that it will all work out for good! Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness. It doesn’t always mater where you go in life, it’s who you have…

Hallelujah Everywhere

 Hallelujah Even Here  • Hallelujah when the storm is relentless •Hallelujah when the battle is endless •In the middle of the in-between, in the middle of the questioning, over every worry, every fear!  Hallelujah Even Here  No mater what you are going through, raise a Hallelujah and praise God through it. Give it to Him.…

Sound familiar??

Sound familiar?? Who will prepare for battle: 1 Corinthians 14:8 What we must see: •Rumors of wars and wars. •Nation against Nation. •Famines. (Yes toilet paper shortage was a “famine”) •Earthquakes. •Persecution of the church/Christians •Christians put to death. (Current situation over seas) •People turn away from faith. •People only worried about themselves. •Betrayal and…

Hidden Desires Of The Heart

I love working with my nuggets! . Gabe and Evy are really starting to get good form down in different areas. James and Mia are still working on going slow to earn power later. I always wanted to learn kickboxing as a kid. Every cardio workout I ever did at home or class I took at…

Let The Chickens Talk

Word of wisdom for my babies!! If you feel the need to prove to others who you really are, you have already discredited yourself. Let people talk, let people say whatever they are going to say, let people do whatever they are going to do! Maturity is knowing who you are and not letting their…

No longer running

I am someone who is passionate about growth. I strive to always be growing, challenge myself and be better next year, than who I am today. – BUT – I get it, growth is painful. And it has been a tough couple of years for growth for me. It’s been like – tough tough tough…